PSHE, Citizenship, RE, SMSC Lessons + Teaching Resources
Average Rating4.86
(based on 5707 reviews) We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at We are the market leaders in PSHE + RSE resources, with over 14 million downloads of our lessons worldwide and over 5500 five star reviews. Established in 2015, our team of consultants and teachers has written for The Bank of England, The Children's Commissioner, The CCRC, The British Legion and many other UK charities and institutions. We love what we do and we aim to be highest quality and best value for money out there. Find us at
2 HOURS, fully resourced PSHE lesson all about role models, current social media influencers and the positive and negative influence they can have. The lesson follows a girl called Shelly, who wants to look like her idols, the Kardashians, before investigating more thoroughly the link between role models and self-esteem. A large part of the lesson investigates the lack of positive role models for young people in the media and sets students the challenge of establishing what makes a positive role model, before researching whether they can find celebs and public figures that meet their criteria.
This resource pack includes a 2 hour long PowerPoint with accompanying worksheets, well differentiated activities, literacy focus tasks, clip tasks with three-way differentiated questions and information sheets.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is useful for PSHE, Citizenship or Tutor Time. As with all our lessons, you don’t need any prior knowledge as all the information is included - you can just pick up and teach it.
Check out the EC Publishing website for full, affordable PSHE, Citizenship and RE Packages for all year groups including the new 2024 Complete PSHE Package. You can contact us at
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
A detailed, engaging and well-differentiated lesson to encourage critical thinking (lasting 1-2 hours), focused on the growth of Fake News and ‘alternative facts’. These resources teach students how we must always use critical thinking skills when studying media material.
Included: 1 - 2 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, alternative facts reading comprehension, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
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Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
Introducing a new International Women’s Day Assembly designed to celebrate this year’s theme of ‘inspiring inclusion’. Suitable for use with either UKS2 or KS3, this thought-provoking and inspirational assembly delves into gender equality, examining its historical significance and why this International Women’s Day is profoundly important.
We will discuss the courageous, trailblazing women of the past who endured brutal repercussions for their vigilante efforts to secure women’s suffrage, granting them the right to vote. We will reflect on what it would have been like to be a woman at the turn of the 20th century, when much of women’s lives were micromanaged by men, and discuss how the actions of righteous, awe-inspiring women changed history for the better.
Finally, we will reflect on what gender equality means today and why the fight for equality is an ongoing, global responsibility. The assembly incorporates a short video clip as well as interactive elements to keep your students engaged. With all the clips included, the assembly is expected to last approximately 15-20 minutes. The PowerPoint presentation is fully editable, except for the background image.
Updated - Now 6 hours of fully resourced lesson packs which could be used for PSHE or Tutor Time (they apply to every subject), to equip students with the best study skills and tools to revise successfully.
All lesson packs are complete with a detailed PowerPoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students.
1: Revision skills - the best revision skills and how to implement them in a variety of subjects (2 hours)
2. How can we make the best of our short-term and long term memories? Getting the most out of our brains when it comes to revising for exams.
3. What is plagiarism? How can we avoid it and what are the consequences for this in the wider world?
4. How can we make ourselves persevere when all we want to do is procrastinate? How to beat the procrastination blues and re-focus again and again.
5. How can we minimise stress levels and improve our exam performance?
Many more inexpensive PSHE, RE and Citizenship GCSE free resources at my shop:
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24 hours+ (around 140 resources, all worksheets, powerpoints and everything totalled up) of Citizenship GCSE 1-9 revision and lesson content. This revision + lessons Mega Pack also contains 2 x exam question generators. Used for AQA but content covered by OCR and EDEXCEL too. Huge bundle of lessons, revision booklets to be given out in the lessons or as revision materials later, past question practices, differentiated 1-9 activities, campaigning packs and a fun GCSE question generator.
Suitable for GCSE Citizenship 9-1 easily adapable (all editable formats)
Different level tasks for MA,LA or Core
Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for’ Good’ or above.
Check out the EC Publishing website for full, affordable PSHE, Citizenship and RE Packages for all year groups including the new 2024 Complete PSHE Package. You can contact us at
Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop:
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Time Management for students: e4ditable and detailed lesson with 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources>
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Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
NOW 7 HOURS Perfect for Safer Internet Day or a PSHE unit. All our KS3, KS4 and KS5 PSHE resources are editable.
7 x fully resourced lessons and a quiz (in 6 downloads - covers e-safety, trolling, cyber bullying, social media, ID theft, privacy, grooming) - created to fit the new DfE 2020 Statutory Guidelines.
All are : complete 1 hour lessons with PowerPoints, clips and worksheets, suitable for KS3 or KS4, include a variety of different level tasks for MA,LA or Core, differentiated to 3 levels or more and are designed to fit Ofsted criteria for' Good' or above.
There's at least 10 hours worth of planning time gone into this, so I hope it saves you time!
These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes).
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE resources including free schemes of work and a free PSHE audit tool as well as more Citizenship and RE resources at my shop:
A 90 mins - 2 hours fully-resourced PSHCE lesson all about the importance of critical thinking and being able to spot and debunk fake news. Students will begin by studying a dubious social media post, before learning all the skills and new terminology they need to take it apart, analyse it and be critical of it through comparison with a variety of credible sources (included).
This has been created to fit with the new PSHE Association guidelines but would also be useful as a Citizenship or Media lesson. It lasts roughly 90 minutes if all tasks completed.
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, detailed information sheets, differentiated challenge activities and worksheets, clips tasks with questions and a debate focus task. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and challenging activities. The PowerPoint is in the ZIP file as it is large. The images have been uploaded to show what is in the lesson :)
Check out the EC Publishing website for full, affordable PSHE, Citizenship and RE Packages for all year groups including the new 2024 Complete PSHE Package. You can contact us at
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship, Tutor Time and RE resources at my shop: MORE PSHE RESOURCES
21 x fully resourced, highly-rated Internet Safety, Media Literacy and Digital Literacy lesson packs for KS3/KS4 and a 20 page workbook
This bundle includes:
Selfies - the dangers and benefits of our instant image sharing culture.
The Dark Web - An introduction the part of the internet iceberg we don’t see and the dangers that lurk within.
Cyber Crime - phishing scams, fake emails and other methods to steal your money and identity.
Online Grooming - how predators stalk social media , use fake identities to prey on the vulnerable and what we can do to prevent falling into their traps.
5-6) Two lessons created for tutor time all about the rise of social media, the benefits and drawbacks and why we need to guard our privacy.
Sexting - Sending images you may later regret, the possible consequences of over-sharing.
Online gambling - how the sites lure you in with offers and the dangers of becoming addicted.
Cyber bullying - why do people do this, what if it’s people we know and a focus on trolls and how can we avoid and report them.
Revenge porn - what is this growing problem, what are the legal consequences and how do we prevent and report this?
Social Media and Self Esteem - what impact is the pressure of portraying the perfect life and body having on our mental health?
Why is excessive screen time a problem and when do we need to cut down?
What is a digital footprint and why is this important?
Why do we need Safer Internet Day? Please note this lesson was created for a Year 7 class and is best suited to younger students.
KS4 / KS5 lesson - What are online subcultures and how can these be dangerous and sometimes promote extremism?
What is smartphone addiction - is this actually a real thing and can it harm us?
Online shaming, canceling and call-out culture. How does it affect us?
KS4 / KS5 lesson -Online dating - the issues and how to stay safe when using dating apps.
20 page student workbook.
Safer Internet Day - Life Online lesson
Media Literacy - why is this so important, especially when it comes to TikTok and YouTube?
All lesson packs are complete with at least one hour-long powerpoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs, starters and all are well differentiated to three levels throughout. These resources have been highly rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow.
Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Britain + Politics: This pack contains two complete units of lessons for Politics and Participation and Life in Modern Britain. Created for AQA Citizenship, but everything is editable for other boards too. Perfect as detailed individual lessons or to use as revision sessions.
Complete course introduction lesson
Citizenship GCSE 9-1 Unit for Politics and Participation (Theme 3). Made for AQA, but all editable and covers the vast majority of Edexcel and OCR content too.
Included 9 lessons (10 hours total) for:
3.4.1 Where does political power reside in the UK and how is it controlled?
3.4.3 Where does political power reside: with the citizen, parliament or government?
3.4.4 How do others govern themselves?
3.4.5 How can citizens try to bring about political change?
Citizenship GCSE 9-1 Complete Unit (13 hours) for Life in Modern Britain. Made for AQA, but all editable and covers the vast majority of Edexcel and OCR content too.
Included 12 lessons (13 hours total) for:
3.2.1 What are the principles and values that underpin British society?
3.2.2 What do we mean by identity?
3.2.3 What is the role of the media and the free press?
3.3.4 What is the UK’s role in key international organisations?
3.3.5 How can citizens make their voice heard and make a difference in society?
All lessons are fully differentiated for 9-1 gradings, easy to follow, detailed and created by an experienced Head of Citizenship.
Many more free and inexpensive resources for Citizenship, PSHE and Humanities here :)
Citizenship Introduction Resources: Introduction to Citizenship: 1 hour KS3 lesson, powerpoint, clip, worksheets, differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.
Check out the EC Publishing website for full, affordable PSHE, Citizenship and RE Packages for all year groups including the new 2024 Complete PSHE Package. You can contact us at
You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship GCSE 9-1 and RE resources at my shop: EC_Resources
Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)
Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:
Mental Health PSHE Bundle
1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources
British Values Citizenship Bundle
Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle
Islam Bundle
Sex and Relationships Education
A complete unit of 17 hours of lessons (in 15 downloads) ideal for KS5 Careers / PSHE lessons as students start to focus more on their future options and career goals. The unit has been written to cover the Gatsby Guidelines for Careers and the PSHE 2020 DfE and PSHE Association KS5 content.
Lessons include - detailed and well-differentiated PowerPoints, accompanying worksheets, clip tasks, active and teamwork tasks, personal employability and skills audit, and much, much more.
What are employability skills, how have we developed these at school and what would we like to work on?
Job pplications, cover letters, interviews and personal presentation.
What skills are employers looking for? How can we demonstrate that we are problem solvers?
Why is personal branding important? What if employers Google me?
Why are English skills important? Which jobs and careers can do do with these skills?
Why are Maths skills important? Which jobs and careers can do do with these skills?
Why are Science skills important?Which jobs and careers can do do with these skills?
How can I improve my work ethic and stay motivated - why do employers want to see these skills?
Personal Statement writing - How can we write excellent personal statements, for job applications or further education? (2 hours)
Why are our literacy and numeracy skills so important to future employers? How can we demonstrate these in our applications?
Why are our extra-curricular activities so important to future employers? How can we demonstrate these in our applications?
What are leadership skills? Why are they so valued and how can we demonstrate these?
What are apprenticeships? Are they for everyone? How do we apply and what are the pros and cons?
What kinds of careers and jobs are out there in an ever-changing world? Research lesson (no internet / computers needed).
Employability Skills - Computer Literacy focus.
Employability Skills - Initiative focus
Careers Progress assessment sheet (skills audit also included in lesson packs)
Hundreds more free and inexpensive PSHE 2020, Tutor Time, RE, Citizenship GCSE RSE and Careers + Finance resources at our store: EC RESOURCES
EC Resources has created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, MACS Charity, Tes, The CCRC and has completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.
16 x essential SMSC assemblies for any secondary school. These assemblies have gained excellent reviews so far and are all editable and adaptable. They are best suited to KS3 / KS4. Each one is 15-20 minutes long and is very easy to follow, with clips, stories and funny parts but also important and memorable advice for students.
Resilience Assembly
Achievement and Aspiration Assembly
Attendance Assembly
Anti-bullying Assembly
Mental Health Assembly
Behaviour Assembly
Inequality Assembly
Fake News Assembly
Brexit Assembly
Kindness Assembly
Careers Assembly
Autism Awareness Assembly
Black History Assembly
Fresh Starts Assembly
Mental Health / Exam stress assembly
End of Term Assembly
Safer Internet Day
Loads more resources for Whole School, PSHE, RSE, Citizenship, SMSC and RE here:
Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop:
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7 fully resourced lesson packs (one download is a double) which all have a focus on issues surrounding immigration to the UK and the immigration debate. These are ideal for Tutor Time sessions, PSHCE lessons or a Citizenship drop down day.
All lesson packs are complete with a detailed PowerPoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs and starters. All are well differentiated to three levels throughout to enable clear evidence of progress for all students.
2x introduction lessons to immigration, asylum seekers, refugees and UK policies (Immigration + UK).
An introduction to how British Values celebrate a diverse culture and heritage.
An introduction to the concept of a multicultural society.
Illegal immigration and the law - human trafficking and modern slavery.
How to break down the fake news surrounding the immigration debate - a critical thinking lesson.
What are religious views on immigration and social / community cohesion?
Many more inexpensive PSHE, RE and Citizenship GCSE free resources at my shop:
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All about feelings KS1 PSHE lesson. A one-two hour long, very detailed, fully resourced PSHE lesson suitable for KS1. This lesson has been created for Year 2, however, the activities may also suit younger students in KS2 (Year 3).
In this lesson, the students will learn about different types of emotions and how to recognise them. The students will read ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas and carry out a selection of monster-themed activities.
The lesson includes a case study starter, a read-aloud activity with a comprehension task, a set of emotions sorting cards, a literacy-themed main activity (describing emotions using similes) and a plenary.
Created to fit the new DfE and PSHE Association statutory 2020 /21 guidelines, the lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, all editable with accompanying tasks and worksheets.
The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and fun activities. It is designed to be ‘no prep’, so you can just pick it up and use it, although it is still adaptable should you wish to.
Who are EC Resources?
EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.
You can contact us at
Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with 8000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.
A complete unit of 18 hours of lessons (in 14 downloads) ideal for KS5 Careers / PSHE lessons as students start to focus more on their future options and career goals. The unit has been written to cover the Gatsby Guidelines for Careers and the PSHE 2020 DfE and PSHE Association content. Optional assessment template are included.
Lessons include - detailed and well-differentiated PowerPoints, accompanying worksheets, clip tasks, active and teamwork tasks, personal employability and skills audit, and much, much more.
What are employability skills, how have we developed these at school and what would we like to work on?
Job pplications, cover letters, interviews and personal presentation.
What skills are employers looking for? How can we demonstrate that we are problem solvers?
Why is personal branding important? What if employers Google me?
Why are English skills important? Which jobs and careers can do do with these skills?
Why are Maths skills important? Which jobs and careers can do do with these skills?
Why are Science skills important?Which jobs and careers can do do with these skills?
How can I improve my work ethic and stay motivated - why do employers want to see these skills?
Personal Statement writing - How can we write excellent personal statements, for job applications or further education? (2 hours)
Why are our literacy and numeracy skills so important to future employers? How can we demonstrate these in our applications?
Why are our extra-curricular activities so important to future employers? How can we demonstrate these in our applications?
What are leadership skills? Why are they so valued and how can we demonstrate these?
What are apprenticeships? Are they for everyone? How do we apply and what are the pros and cons?
What kinds of careers and jobs are out there in an ever-changing world? Research lesson (no internet / computers needed).
Employability Skills - Computer Literacy focus.
Taking initiative- why do employers value initiative and how can we demonstrate
What are pensions and national insurance? Why do I need to think about saving for retirement at my age?
Hundreds more free and inexpensive PSHE 2020, Tutor Time, RE, Citizenship GCSE RSE and Careers + Finance resources at our store: EC RESOURCES
EC Resources has created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, MACS Charity, Tes, The CCRC and has completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.
ONE YEAR OF RESOURCES -This pack contains 1 Year’s worth of Yr 10 PSHE resources! 37 x fully resourced, highly-rated PSHE lesson packs and units. All ready for the new DfE guidelines and aligned to the new PSHE Association’s KS4 recommended topics.
All 37 lesson packs (bundled into 20 separate downloads) are complete with at least one hour-long PowerPoint, accompanying differentiated worksheets, clip links with questions, plenaries, clear LOs, starters and all are well-differentiated to three levels throughout. From County Lines and Careers to Mental Health, RSE, Revision Skills and Transphobia - this pack covers everything suggested to be taught in Year 10 by the PSHE Association.
These resources have been highly-rated individually by TES users, follow the same consistent format and are easy to follow.
This pack follows on from:
1 Year of Year 7 PSHE
1 Year of Year 8 PSHE
1 Year of Year 9 PSHE
There is zero extra work required, and the whole bundle follows PSHE Association 2020 SoW for Year 10 (KS4).
You can also find this pack at the** EC Publishing website.**
I use all of these myself as a Head of PSHE and I really hope you find them excellent value. I’ve put literally months of time into this to make these lessons top quality for my own school team. You can also find the other ‘one year of PSHE’ packages for all of the KS3 groups at my store.
I also have a 1 YEAR OF CITIZENSHIP bundle (37 lessons) available here:1 Year’s worth of Citizenship
and I have a 1 YEAR OF RE bundle (36 lessons) available here:1 Year’s worth of RE
Many more inexpensive and free resources at my shop: EC_Resources
Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :).
A detailed reading comprehension all about the recent ‘Momo Challenge’ (no pictures of Momo included) and the dangers of online challenges that this hoax has highlighted. This reading comprehension includes three sets of differentiated challenge questions, so with reading, discussion and answering the questions this will keep a group busy for 25-30 mins. It is perfect for Form Time or an activity in any English or PSHE lesson.
The article, written by journalist R E Hunt (who has kindly let us share her work) investigates the irony behind the Momo Challenge - where the fear and harm from the sight of Momo were actually spread by the news media trying to warn parents about it. The article contains a serious message - Momo was a hoax - but a hoax based upon reality. It reiterates how young people can stay safe and use their critical thinking skills not to fall victim to future Momos.
More PSHE, Citizenship, RSE and RE resources are available at my store: EC Resources
Easy to use DIRT feedback and evidencing progression sheet which uses Bloom’s matched to the new 9-1 GCSE gradings. Can be used for any KS3 or KS4 subject. It’s really quick for marking.
To use -
Highlight the skill they’ve used, e.g ‘you have explained the meaning of key phrases such as ……’
Highlight what they could do next to improve, e.g ‘evaluate (judge and assess) the most important reasons.’
Highlight their ‘do it now’ task, such as 'Write a detailed conclusion evaluating (add in subject), considering (add in item) and weighing up the pros and cons of each, reaching a conclusion, with exceptional SPAG.
On the same page their is a green-shaded box for them to demonstrate immediate progress through the ‘do it now’ task. They can then stick it in their books and you can return to see it or show it as evidence any time!
This works for any subject which involves any sort of assessed writing tasks. It has literally saved me weeks worth of time over the years.
Many more inexpensive and free resources at here.
A simple lesson planning template which can be used for any subject. Contains word and PDF version.
Check out loads more free or inexpensive resources for a range of subjects here.